1. Catch Me a Spy (1971), film...Russian Girl
2. Sewers of Gold (1979), film...Policewoman
3. Makabro (1980), film...Jane Baker
4. Grad žena (1980), film
5. Kvartet (1981), film...Miss Nicholson
6. Light Years Away (1981), film...Betty
7. Xtro (1982), film...Rachel Phillips
8. Coming Out of the Ice (1982), film...Lady Barber
9. Nebeski pljačkaši (1986), film...Countess Olga
10. Prince of Shadows (1991), film...Esposa de Darman
11. Četiri vjenčanja i sprovod (1994), film...Shop Assistant - Wedding Two
12. Little Lord Fauntleroy (1995), serija...Lady Fauntleroy
13. Moja grčka avantura (2009), film...Maria
14. Velika očekivanja (2012), film...Mrs. Hubble
15. Francuska suita (2014), film...Madame Perrin
16. Neposlušnost (2017), film...Fruma Hartog
...Mrs. Burns
18. The Last Czars (2019), serija...Minnie
19. Angela Black (2021), serija...Frances