1. The Falcon and the Co-Eds (1943), film...Dorothy - Co-ed
2. Duboki san (1946), film...Acme Book Shop Proprietress
3. Night and Day (1946), film...Nancy
4. Two Guys From Texas (1948), film...Joan Winston
5. Južno od St. Louisa (1949), film...Deborah Miller
6. Colorado Territory (1949), film...Julie Ann Winslow
7. Flaxy Martin (1949), film...Nora Carson
8. Čovjek iz Nevade (1950), film...Karen Galt
9. Convicted (1950), film...Kay Knowland
10. The Killer That Stalked New York (1950), film...Alice Lorie
11. Saddle Legion (1951), film...Dr. Ann F. Rollins
12. Otpadnici (1951), film...Cathy Sharpe
13. Ukočeni od straha (1953), film...Rosie
14. Zakon i red (1953), film...Jeannie
15. Security Risk (1954), film...Donna Weeks
16. Privatni pakao 36 (1954), film...Francey Farnham
17. Usamljeni revolveraš (1954), film...Charlotte Downing
18. Young at Heart (1954), film...Fran Tuttle
19. The Night Watch (1954), film...Ann Stewart
20. The Fast and the Furious (1954), film...Connie Adair
21. Artisti i modeli (1955), film...Abigail 'Abby' Parker
22. Petorica na Zapad (1955), film...Shalee Jethro
23. Battle Cry (1955), film...Mrs. Elaine Yarborough
24. Tall Man Riding (1955), film...Corinna Ordway
25. Na nišanu (1955), film...Martha Wright
26. Stupovi neba (1956), film...Calla Gaxton
27. Zapisano na vjetru (1956), film...Marylee Hadley
28. Tension at Table Rock (1956), film...Lorna Miller
29. Potamnjeli anđeli (1957), film...LaVerne Shumann
30. Quantez (1957), film...Chaney
31. Čovjek sa zlatnim koltom (1959), film...Lily Dollar
32. The Last Voyage (1960), film...Laurie Henderson
33. Posljednji sumrak (1961), film...Belle Breckenridge
34. Beach Party (1963), film...Marianne
35. Carnal Circuit (1969), film...Vanessa Brighton
36. Zima donosi smrt (1979), film...Emma Kegan
37. The Day Time Ended (1979), film...Ana
38. The Being (1981), film...Marge Smith
39. Sirove strasti (1992), film...Hazel Dobkins
40. Listen to Me Marlon (2015), film...Self (archive footage)
...Hazel Dobkins (archive footage)