Robert Taylor

Rođendan: 1911
Umro: 1969
1. Veličanstvena opsesija (1935), film...Robert Merrick
2. Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935), film...Bob Gordon
3. La Fiesta de Santa Barbara (1935), film...Self
4. Dama s kamelijama (1936), film...Armand Duval
5. Žena stvara istoriju (1936), film...'Bow' Timberlake
6. Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937), film...Steve Raleigh
7. Lest We Forget (1937), film...Self
8. Three Comrades (1938), film...Erich Lohkamp
9. Stand Up and Fight (1939), film...Blake Cantrell
10. Dama tropskih noći (1939), film...Bill Carey
11. Waterloo Bridge (1940), film...Roy Cronin
12. Escape (1940), film...Mark Preysing
13. Flight Command (1940), film...Ensign Alan Drake
14. Billy the Kid (1941), film...Billy Bonney
15. Johnny Eager (1941), film...Johnny Eager
16. Her Cardboard Lover (1942), film...Terry Trindale
17. Bataan (1943), film...Sergeant Bill Dane
18. Undercurrent (1946), film...Alan Garroway
19. High Wall (1947), film...Steven Kenet
20. Urotnik (1949), film...Maj. Michael Curragh
21. Mito (1949), film...Rigby
22. Devil's Doorway (1950), film...Lance Poole
23. Ambush (1950), film...Ward Kinsman
24. Quo Vadis (1951), film...Marcus Vinicius
25. Karavan zena (1951), film...Buck Wyatt
26. Ivanhoe (1952), film...Ivanhoe
27. Death Valley Days (1952), serija...Self - Host
28. Vitezovi okruglog stola (1953), film...Lancelot
29. Ride, Vaquero! (1953), film...Rio
30. All the Brothers Were Valiant (1953), film...Joel Shore
31. Valley of the Kings (1954), film...Mark Brandon
32. The Adventures of Quentin Durward (1955), film...Quentin Durward
33. Many Rivers To Cross (1955), film...Bushrod Gentry
34. Posljednji lov (1956), film...Charles Gilson
35. D-Day, the Sixth of June (1956), film...Capt. Brad Parker
36. The Power and the Prize (1956), film...Cliff Barton
37. Tip on a Dead Jockey (1957), film...Lloyd Tredman
38. Djevojka za zabavu (1958), film...Tommy Farrell
39. The Law and Jake Wade (1958), film...Jake Wade
40. Osedlaj vjetar (1958), film...Steve Sinclair
41. Dzelat iz Nevade (1959), film...Mackenzie Bovard
42. Killers of Kilimanjaro (1959), film...Robert Adamson
43. The House of the Seven Hawks (1959), film...John Nordley
44. The Detectives (1959), serija...Capt. Matt Holbrook
45. Hollywood: The Fabulous Era (1962), film...Self
46. Cattle King (1963), film...Sam Brassfield
47. Čudo bijelih pastuha (1963), film...Col. Podhajsky
48. Dolina divljine (1965), film...Capt. Martín
49. Povratak revolverasa (1966), film...Ben Wyatt
50. Hondo and the Apaches (1967), film...Gallagher (archive footage)
51. The Glass Sphinx (1967), film
52. Where Angels Go Trouble Follows! (1968), film...Mr. Farriday: The 'In' Group
53. Brod fantom (1969), film...Self
54. That's Entertainment, Part II (1976), film...Clip from 'Broadway Melody of 1936' (archive foota
55. Beat Street (1984), film...Lee Kirkland
56. Teška reč (2002), film...Frank Malone
57. Coffin Rock (2009), film...Rob Willis
58. The Menkoff Method (2016), film
59. Arthur Miller: Pisac (2017), film...Self (archive footage)
...Self (archive footage)
61. Ocean Warfare of WWII in Colour (2022), film
1. The Fighting Lady (1944), film
1. Heidi's Song (1982), film
2. Goof Troop (1992), serija