Van Heflin

Rođendan: 1908
Umro: 1971
1. A Woman Rebels (1936), film...Lord Gerald Waring Gaythorne
2. Annapolis Salute (1937), film...Velko
3. Na putu za Santa Fe (1940), film...Rader
4. The Feminine Touch (1941), film...Elliott Morgan
5. Johnny Eager (1941), film...Jeff Hartnett
6. Seven Sweethearts (1942), film...Henry Taggart
7. Grand Central Murder (1942), film...'Rocky' Custer
8. Presenting Lily Mars (1943), film...John Thornway
9. Land and Live in the Desert (1945), film...Narrator
10. Dok oblaci prolaze (1946), film...James I. Hessler
11. Neobična ljubav Marte Ivers (1946), film...Sam Masterson
12. Possessed (1947), film...David Sutton
13. Green Dolphin Street (1947), film...Timothy Haslam
14. Tri Musketara (1948), film...Athos
15. Tap Roots (1948), film...Keith Alexander
16. Act of Violence (1948), film...Rader
17. Gospođa Bovary (1949), film...Charles Bovary
18. Istočna strana, zapadna strana (1949), film...Mark Dwyer
19. Tomahawk (1951), film...Bridger
20. Vikend s ocem (1951), film...Brad Stubbs
21. Tumaralo (1951), film...Webb Garwood
22. Shane (1953), film...Joe Starrett
23. Krila jastreba (1953), film...Irish Gallager
24. The South of Algiers (1953), film...Nicholas Chapman
25. Crna udovica (1954), film...Peter Denver
26. The Raid (1954), film...Maj. Neal Benton
27. A Woman's World (1954), film...Jerry Talbot
28. Battle Cry (1955), film...Maj. Sam Huxley
29. Izbroj do tri i pomoli se (1955), film...Luke Fargo
30. Patterns (1956), film...Fred Staples
31. U 3:10 za Yumu (1957), film...Dan Evans
32. Hod revolveraša (1958), film...Lee Hackett
33. Došli su u Corduru (1959), film...Sgt. John Chawk
34. Ispod deset zastava (1960), film...Captain Bernhard Rogge
35. 5 Ošišanih žena (1960), film...Velko
36. The Wastrel (1961), film...Duncan Bell
37. Bojni poklic (1963), film...Joe Trent
...Bar Amand
39. Ubica iz San Franciska (1965), film...Inspector Mike Vido SFPD
40. San Fernando (1966), film...Marshal Curly Wilcox
41. Čovjek je čovjeku vuk (1968), film...Sam Cooper
42. The Big Bounce (1969), film...Sam Mirakian
43. Aerodrom (1970), film...D.O. Guerrero
...Self (archive footage)