The lives of the disparate group of employees and patrons at a Boston watering hole called "Cheers" over eleven years is presented. Over much of this period, Sam...
While running from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant young college-dropout, slips into a job interview with one of New York City's best legal closers,...
Flugbegleiterin Sophie liebt die Veränderung: Jetzt ist ihr nach frischer Landluft und einem Neuanfang im Grünen. Als die Münchnerin im Alleingang einen...
Told from the perspective of an unseen documentary filmmaker, the series offers an honest, often-hilarious perspective of family life. Parents Phil and Claire...
It is a light hearted comedy about nuns who are constantly dodging attempts by the mayor to take over their cloister in order to create business opportunities for...
Dr. Martin Ellingham (Martin Clunes), a London-based surgeon, relocates to the picturesque seaside village of Port Wenn, where he establishes himself as the...
Bei Mord hört der Spaß auf – aber nicht bei Hubert und Staller. Die Polizeiobermeister Hubert und Staller sind die Hüter des Gesetzes im malerischen Voralpenland...
Desna is an attractive woman who lives with her brother and owns a nail salon with her 3 best friends. She and her crew are involved with the local drug gang by...
The "normal" suburban life for a group of close-knit housewives takes a dark turn when one of their closest friends mysteriously commits suicide. Now while trying...
Dr. Filipa Wagner (Anja Knauer) hält nichts mehr in Deutschland. Sie zieht nach Mauritius, um dort als Hotelärztin zu arbeiten. Hoteldirektor Kulovits (Helmut...
The Mick centers on Mackenzie "Mickey" Murphy (Olson), a hard-living, foul-mouthed, cigarette-smoking woman who moves to affluent Greenwich, CT to raise the...
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