With an exceptional blend of comedy, action, intrigue, romance and sensuality, Caribbean Thunder follows the adventures of three women who are part of an Italian police force, Chiara, Giorgia and Laura. As they arrive in Puerto Rico on the trail of Giovanni Rossetti, a diamond thief and technology and finance expert, they find that their work on the island will be more difficult than they expected. Golden beaches and a crystal-clear sea, lush forests, the impressive observatory at Arecibo does not represent a simple landscape; the multiple faces of the island, known for its variety and beauty, also become the protagonist of the series. In this mesmerizing setting of the Caribbean, after chases, disguises and numerous plot twists, the three glamorous agents find proof that Rossetti, under the pseudonym of John Gavi, is connected to an important Mafia clan. Over the four episodes of the series, the three agents are helped by the most unlikely of assistants as they aim to recover the diamonds and exonerate Chiara’s father, framed by Rossetti. An aspiring monk, the friendly security officer of the luxury hotel where the agents are staying, and a vivacious Puerto Rican boy ― all use the best of their wits to help the Italian ladies solve this case.

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