Arthur Young
Geburtstag: 1898
Ist gestorben: 1959
1. Königin Viktoria (1937), film...Rt. Hon. William Gladstone
2. 21 Days Together (1940), film...Asher
3. San Demetrio (1943), film...Captain George Waite
4. The Root of All Evil (1947), film...George Grice
...W. E. Gladstone
7. Isn't Life Wonderful? (1953), film...Sir George Probus
8. Five Days (1954), film...Hyson
9. Ein Inspector kommt (1954), film...Mr. Birling
10. Stranger from Venus (1954), film...Scientist
11. John Wesley (1954), film...King George II
12. No Smoking (1955), film...Joe Dawson
13. The Gelignite Gang (1956), film...Scobie
1. Die Rose von Bagdad (1949), film...Calif Oman