Bewertung: 7.2/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 9/10
(21 abstimmung)


Stirring Second World War drama about the crew of a British fighting ship, told through a series of poignant and revealing vignettes. The story of the ship's heroic deeds is narrated by Noel Coward, who, as the ship's captain, acts as a father figure to his stalwart men. After surviving a torpedo attack, the ship is involved in the Dunkirk evacuation, before heading into battle off the coast of Crete.


In Which We ServeIn Which We ServeIn Which We ServeIn Which We ServeIn Which We ServeIn Which We Serve


Überprüfung durch Filip
Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2023 11:23
Nominirana za Oscara 1944. u kategorijama najboljeg filma i najboljeg izvornog scenarija, pri čemu je suscenarist Noel Coward ("Kavalkada", "Kratak susret", "Prljave male tajne") ovjenčan posebnom Akademijinom nagradom za osobita produkcijska dostignuća, izvrsna ratna drama koju je uz Cowarda režirao veliki David Lean ("Doktor Živago", "Most na rijeci Kwai", "Put u Indiju") drži se jednim od najuspjelijih promidžbenih ratnih filmova uopće. Posrijedi je iznimno efektno, dojmljivo realistično,... (mehr)
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