
The Captive Heart

The Captive Heart (1946)

драма, военен | Обединеното кралство
Режисьори: Basil Dearden
FilmBox Arthouse | четвъртък | 5:10

Рейтинг: 7.0/10


After the evacuation at Dunkirk, June 1940, some thousands of British prisoners are sent to German P.O.W. camps. One such group includes "Capt. Geoffrey Mitchell," a concentration-camp escapee who assumed the identity of a dead British officer. To avoid exposure, "Mitchell" must correspond with the dead man's estranged wife Celia. But eventual exposure seems certain, and the men must find a way to get him out. If he reaches England, though, what will his reception be?


The Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive HeartThe Captive Heart


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