Byron Foulger

Рожден ден: 1899
Умира: 1970
1. The Little Minister (1934), филм...Villager at Stabbing
2. The President's Mystery (1936), филм...Undetermined Supporting Role (unconfirmed)
3. History Is Made at Night (1937), филм...Vail Employee Reading from Newspaper
4. Dick Tracy (1937), филм...Korvitch [Chs. 1, 12]
5. The Prisoner of Zenda (1937), филм...Johann
6. Make Way for Tomorrow (1937), филм...Mr. Dale (uncredited)
7. The Devil Diamond (1937), филм...Ole--Houseboy
8. Larceny on the Air (1937), филм...Pete Andorka
9. Born to Be Wild (1938), филм...Husband
10. Delinquent Parents (1938), филм...Herbert Ellis
11. I Am a Criminal (1938), филм...Ed Harper
12. Летец-изпитател (1938), филм...Designer
13. In Name Only (1939), филм...Owen
14. Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939), филм...Mark Hansen
15. Streets of New York (1939), филм...'Murderer' in Classroom
16. The Man They Could Not Hang (1939), филм...Lang
17. The Secret of Dr. Kildare (1939), филм...Hospital Attendant
18. Girl from Rio (1939), филм...William Wilson
19. The Great McGinty (1940), филм...Governor's Secretary
20. Boom Town (1940), филм...Geologist
21. Аризона (1940), филм...Pete Kitchen
22. The Saint's Double Trouble (1940), филм...Ephraim Byrd
...Prof. Drok [Chs. 11-12]
24. Мъжът с девет живота (1940), филм...Dr. Bassett
25. Edison, the Man (1940), филм...Edwin Hall
26. Dr. Kildare's Crisis (1940), филм...Orderly at Emergency Switchboard
...Prof. Drok [Chs. 11-12]
28. Пътуванията на Съливан (1941), филм...Mr. Valdelle
29. Road to Happiness (1941), филм...Jackson
30. Remember the Day (1941), филм...Mr. Blanton - Photographer
31. Sweetheart of the Campus (1941), филм...Dr. Bailey
32. Ridin' on a Rainbow (1941), филм...Matt 'Pop' Evans
33. Apache Trail (1942), филм...Clerk (uncredited)
34. Miss Annie Rooney (1942), филм...Mr. Randall
35. Палачите също умират (1943), филм...Bartos
36. The Black Raven (1943), филм...Horace Weatherby
37. In Old Oklahoma (1943), филм...Wilkins
38. The Kansan (1943), филм...Ed Tracy
39. Appointment in Berlin (1943), филм...Herr Van Leyden (uncredited)
40. Coney Island (1943), филм...Organist at Wedding
41. Hoppy Serves a Writ (1943), филм...Danvers
42. So Proudly We Hail (1943), филм...Mr. Larson (uncredited)
43. Hi Diddle Diddle (1943), филм...Watson
44. Silver Spurs (1943), филм...Justice of the Peace
45. Министерство на страха (1944), филм...Mr. Newby
46. Dark Mountain (1944), филм...Harvey Bates
47. Maisie Goes to Reno (1944), филм...Dr. Joe Carter - Psychiatrist
48. Enemy of Women (1944), филм...Krause, Brown Shirt
49. Cornered (1945), филм...Hotel Night Clerk
50. Алената улица (1945), филм...Jones - Apartment Manager
51. It's in the Bag (1945), филм...Mr. Teckler (uncredited)
52. Sensation Hunters (1945), филм...Mark Rogers
53. Brewsters Millions (1945), филм...Attorney Lyons
54. Пощальонът винаги звъни два пъти (1946), филм...Picnic Manager
55. Courage of Lassie (1946), филм...Dr. Coleman
56. Deadline at Dawn (1946), филм...Night Attendant
57. Dick Tracy vs. Cueball (1946), филм...Simon Little
58. San Quentin (1946), филм...Mr. Dixon, Coffee Shop Proprietor
59. Magnificent Doll (1946), филм...Politician (uncredited)
60. People Are Funny (1946), филм...Mr. Button
61. Suspense (1946), филм...Cab Driver at Lodge
62. They Won't Believe Me (1947), филм...Henry Bascombe
63. It's a Joke, Son! (1947), филм...Groceryman
64. Too Many Winners (1947), филм...Ben Edwards / Claude Bates
65. Bells of San Fernando (1947), филм...Francisco Garcia, Mission Blacksmith
66. The Chinese Ring (1947), филм
67. Trimata musketari (1948), филм...Bonacieux
68. They Live by Night (1948), филм...Lambert
69. Relentless (1948), филм...Assayer
70. He Walked by Night (1948), филм...Freddie
71. Let's Live a Little (1948), филм...Mr. Hopkins (uncredited)
72. Целуващият бандит (1948), филм...Grandee
73. The Bride Goes Wild (1948), филм...Max
74. The Inspector General (1949), филм...Burbis
75. Streets of Laredo (1949), филм...Artist Who Draws Reming
76. Satan's Cradle (1949), филм...Henry Lane
77. I Shot Jesse James (1949), филм...Silver King Room Clerk
78. Arson, Inc. (1949), филм...Thomas Peyson
79. Union Station (1950), филм...Horace - Baggage Clerk
80. To Please a Lady (1950), филм...Shoe Fitter
81. Champagne for Caesar (1950), филм...Gerald
82. Best of the Badmen (1951), филм...Judge
83. Home Town Story (1951), филм...Berny Miles
84. The Sea Hornet (1951), филм...Hotel Night Clerk
85. Lightning Strikes Twice (1951), филм...Hotel Clerk
86. Cripple Creek (1952), филм...Hawkins
87. Mutiny (1952), филм...Chairman Parson's Secretary
88. Rose of Cimmaron (1952), филм...Coroner
89. The Star (1952), филм...Druggist
90. My Six Convicts (1952), филм...Dr. Brint
91. The Living Bible (1952), серия...Pharisee
92. Gun Belt (1953), филм...The Hotel Clerk
93. The Moonlighter (1953), филм...Mr. Gurley
94. Bandits of the West (1953), филм...Eric Strikler
95. The Flaming Urge (1953), филм...A. Horace Pender
96. Confidentially Connie (1953), филм...Prof. Rosenberg
97. The Man Behind the Badge (1953), серия...Calloway
98. Cattle Queen of Montana (1954), филм...Land Office Clerk
99. The Rocket Man (1954), филм...Card Player Wearing Glasses
100. Сребърната жила (1954), филм...Prescott
101. The Spoilers (1955), филм...Montrose
102. Gun Point (1955), филм...Larry - The Teller
103. The Scarlet Coat (1955), филм...Man with Delivery for Mr. Moody
104. You Can't Run Away from It (1956), филм...Billings, Andrews' Secretary
105. The Iron Sheriff (1957), филм...Jed - Court Clerk (uncredited)
106. Gun Battle at Monterey (1957), филм...Carson
107. Sierra Stranger (1957), филм...Kelso
108. The Phantom Stagecoach (1957), филм...Mr. Fenshaw
109. Curfew Breakers (1957), филм...School Principal
110. Брегът на реката (1957), филм...Floyd Barry
111. The Buckskin Lady (1957), филм...Latham
112. Up in Smoke (1957), филм...Chairman Parson's Secretary
113. Дългото горещо лято (1958), филм...Harris
114. Terror in a Texas Town (1958), филм...The Minister
115. Man From God's Country (1958), филм...Will Potter
116. Onionhead (1958), филм...Funeral Director (scenes deleted)
117. King of the Wild Stallions (1959), филм...A.B. Orcutt
118. The Rebel Set (1959), филм...Conductor
119. Ma Barker's Killer Brood (1960), филм...Dr. Guelffe
120. The Devil's Partner (1960), филм...Papers
121. Ездачи в планината (1962), филм...Abner Samson
122. Son of Flubber (1962), филм...Proprietor
123. Who's Minding the Store? (1963), филм...Bargain Sale Department Manager
124. Petticoat Junction (1963), серия...Wendell Gibbs
125. Guns of Diablo (1964), филм...Bit Part
126. Marriage on the Rocks (1965), филм...Mr. Bruno
127. Peril from the Planet Mongo (1966), филм...Prof. Druk (archive footage)
128. The Spirit Is Willing (1967), филм...Drug Store Owner
129. Hook, Line and Sinker (1969), филм...Funeral Director (uncredited)
130. The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County (1970), филм...Reverend Marshall