
100 Year Old Drivers

100 Year Old Drivers (2014)

Dokumentarfilm | Großbritannien
Regie: Maia Liddell

Bewertung: 6.6/10
Benutzer-Bewertung: 6/10
(2 stimmen)


There are almost 200 people still driving in Britain today who are over the age of 100, and this number is growing, with tens of thousands still behind the wheel in their nineties. This documentary hits the road with some of the nation's oldest motorists, including 100-year-old bomber command veteran Harry Kartz, who drives to the betting shop every day, and Ken and Edna Medlock, 99 and 98, who still enjoy day trips to the seaside. Plus, Basil Smith, 93, who has arranged for an instructor to assess his ability. If he fails the test, he will have much more difficulty visiting his beloved wife in a care home several miles away. Narrated by Felicity Kendal.

DAUER: 47 min


100 Year Old Drivers100 Year Old Drivers100 Year Old Drivers


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