• The Nanny (1993)

    After a Jewish, high-voiced, woman from Flushing, New York gets fired from her job and dumped by her boyfriend, Fran Fine (Fran Drescher) is mistaken as applying...
  • Mako: Island of Secrets (2013)

    During a trip to Mako Island, Zac gets in touch with the water of the magic Moon Pool in a night of full Moon, gaining a merman tail and the power to manipulate...
  • Friends (1994)

    Jeta e 6 te rinjve te Nju Jorkut, me te perbashketat dhe kontrastet mes tyre.
  • Rregullat e Lojës (2007)

    Dy çifte dhe shoku I tyre beqar perballen me veshtiresite e jetes ne cift, takimeve, angazhimeve dhe marteses. Marredheniet shihen ne faza te ndryshme te tyre....

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