
Poslednyaya rol Rity

Poslednyaya rol Rity (2012)

Dramë | Rusi

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Vlerësimi: 3.8/10


Rita, once a popular and successful actress, finds her career slowing down, with acting jobs few and far between. Her partner, Anton, a young businessman, decides to start his own film studio to help restart her career. In the meantime Rita decides to adopt a young boy from an orphanage, Vania, and soon she finds herself back in the limelight with enormous press interest in the adoption story - and her. She and Vania are photographed for the front cover of a popular magazine, and Rita, having found fame and popularity once again, turns her attention back to her career - and away from Vania. Meanwhile, Vania's birth mother, who had given up her parental rights because she was unable to support her son financially, has found a full-time job and wants him back. She starts an appeal against his adoption, and thus begins a war of interests between the famous actress with money and connections and a mother with an unstable past who wants to be reunited with her son.


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