
Caught: Wie in alten Zeiten

Caught (2018)

Dramë | Kanada

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EPISODI: 4 - Wie in alten Zeiten


It's 1978 in the Canadian Maritimes, five years into David Slaney's fifteen year conviction for drug dealing. RCMP detective Roy Patterson, whose life is deteriorating in all aspects, joins forces with Slaney in an operation to nab who was Slaney's friend and drug partner, Brian Hearn, Slaney who wants payback for Hearn abandoning him. As the US DEA is also after Hearn, Patterson joins forces with DEA agent KC Williams on the case. However, Patterson is keeping information from both Slaney and Williams which may jeopardize and both Slaney and Williams' participation in the case if either finds out, and which may also jeopardize Slaney's life at the hands of the authorities. Hearn, now based in Cancun, is embarking on a new partnership of his own with suppliers in Colombia following the DEA shutting down his US network. In the process, Slaney may find the draw back into the old life in joining forces with Hearn is stronger than the revenge he wants on him.


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