
Police Interceptors

Police Interceptors (2008)

Dokumentar, Reality show, Krim | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

Ku ta shikojmë
Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion




In this week’s explosive episode, a stick of dynamite causes chaos for Duggie when it is brought into Carlisle’s main police station. The armed response unit is called out after receiving a report of a gun spotted in a city centre bar.Duncan receives a shock when a cyclist who has been crushed and trapped under a car turns out to be someone he knows. The team also hauls in a driver who is well over the limit, and Hayley comes to the rescue when a teenager’s car careers into a wall during a late night drive. Another group is less lucky when Darren searches their car during a roadside bust.With such a vast, rugged area to police, Cumbria’s interceptors must always be ready for whatever this diverse and challenging county throws at them.


Police InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice InterceptorsPolice Interceptors


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