
100 Foot Wave

100 FOOT WAVE II. EP. 05 (2022)

Dokumentar, Sport | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Chris Smith

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The six-part HBO Sports Documentary series 100 FOOT WAVE intimately captures the decade-long odyssey of surfing pioneer Garrett McNamara, who, after visiting Nazaré, Portugal in hopes of conquering a 100-foot wave, pushed the sport to ever-greater heights and alongside locals helped transform the small fishing village into the world's preeminent big-wave surfing destination. The series is directed and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Chris Smith and executive produced by Emmy® and Golden Globe®-winner Joe Lewis, Maria Zuckerman, Ryan Heller, and Michael Bloom.


100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave100 Foot Wave


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