Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10
(3 Voto)


EPISODI: 2 - All Vets Are Off


It is another busy spring season for the staff of Pol Veterinary Services. An overflowing schedule of clinic visits and farm calls has left Dr. Pol, and his woman Dr. Brenda, no choice but to start looking for some help.


Dr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i Pabesueshëm


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