Angus Macgyver is a secret agent with a difference. He is quiet, mild mannered, deeply principled and refuses to carry a gun on his missions. Fortunately, the last detail is unimportant when compared to his astounding mind. Drawing on a vast practical knowledge of science, Macgyver is able to make use of any mundane materials around him to create unorthodox solutions to any problem he faces. The enemies of world peace and justice continually learn that underestimating this man is a fatal mistake for their plans.


Foto: RTLFoto: RTLMacGyverMacGyverMacGyver 02MacGyver 04MacGyver 05MacGyver 06MacGyver 07MacGyver 08


Ska rishikime
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  • Autobahn Cop (1996)

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  • NCIS: LA (2009)

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