
Anna Pihl: New cop at Bellahøj

Anna Pihl (2006)

Krim, Dramë | Danimarkë

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EPISODI: 1 - New cop at Bellahøj


Anna Pihl begins as a new cop on the station Bellahøj in Copenhagen and not many minutes passes before she becomes involved in a showdown between chef Rune Strandberg and his ex-wife who uses a restraining order to put pressure on Rune.

Anna and her colleague Mikala tries hard to get Rune to comply with the restraining order. Anna realises that the ex-wife's whereabouts, namely her jealousy, are the reason she and Rune are not together anymore.

All of a sudden, the police is notified about Rune going berserk, and when Anna and Mikala trying to arrest him Mikala gets stabbed and Rune takes off. Anna Pursues Rune to his restaurant, where Rune threatens to blow himself and the restaurant to pieces.

Anna, however, goes against orders to get him out and she manages to get him arrested.


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