
Melrose Place: A Tree Talks in Melrose

Melrose Place (1997)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 13 - A Tree Talks in Melrose


Michael pulls out all the stops in an attempt to win back Megan. Brett fears that his plan is succeeding when Megan decides not to serve Michael with divorce papers until after Christmas. He arranges for the papers to be delivered on Christmas Eve. Jennifer blackmails Lexi into freeing Brett of his alimony obligations, then gets him to hand over his ""forged"" sketches of the cauterizer. A panicked Lexi overdoses. Jennifer severs her ties with Michael after learning that he did steal the idea for the invention. Taylor convinces longtime friend Jon Secada to perform a Christmas Eve concert to help make a balloon payment. After Kyle passes out drunk with the evening's proceeds beside him, Taylor hides the cash. She pretends that it was stolen, then talks Kyle into coming to Las Vegas with her to win back the money. Billy is forced to decorate with Connie when Sam has to work late. Connie constantly tries to undermine him, and makes a pass at him. Sam takes Connie's side when Billy orders h


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