
Hunter: High Bleacher Man

Hunter (1984)

Aksion, Krim, Dramë, Thriller, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Arnold Laven

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EPISODI: 9 - High Bleacher Man


Hunter and McCall arrest a man named Gavin, who is a street thug. They are then shocked to learn that the D.A. has made a deal with him. It seems that Gavin can link crime boss Nate Demarest to four murders. And Hunter is not pleased with it, cause if they let Gavin go, he will kill someone eventually. After an attempt is made on Gavin, Hunter suggests that they limit the knowledge of Gavin's whereabouts to just two people, and Gavin says that he wants Hunter and McCall to be those two. Cause he knows that they only way Hunter can prove that he didn't sell Gavin out, is to take a bullet for him. And it is while they are protecting Gavin that McCall recalls an old case wherein she and her partner were investigating Demarest for murdering an undercover Fed. McCall begins by talking to the man's wife and tells about a girl named Crissy who worked for Demarest, whom her husband took an interest in. Hunter then goes to talk to a man who once worked for Demarest, Whitey McPhee. And when he g


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