
Island Hunter: Jamaica

Island Hunter (2018)

Aventurë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 3 - Jamaica


Easy island vibes, lots of amazing local rum, brilliant natural landscapes and those amazing beaches! Of course, Island Hunter is in Jamaica! But in this episode, host Liesel Hlista shows you a different side of the Irie nation; away from the hordes of people unleashed via cruise liners! She starts off with a quick glimpse and an impromptu jam session at the birthplace of Bob Marley, Trench town, noshes on the most delicious ice cream this side of the hemisphere, and plunges into Mystic mountain’s waterfalls. Jamaica is known for being the home of the all-inclusive resort and Liesel finds out exactly why that is - with stays at Ian Fleming inspired Golden eye Hotel as well as Sunset at the Palms! Lazy tubing down the river, limestone foot massages, topped up with historic food tours and experiencing local cuisines such as jerk chicken and the amazing seafood; this is Jamaica, Island Hunter style!



Ska rishikime
  • Naked and Afraid (2013)

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