
Motive to Murder: Psycho Shooter

Motive to Murder (2016)

Dokumentar, Krim | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 2 - Psycho Shooter


In 2011, a lone gunman kills six and wounds 13 in an Arizona shopping centre. Police capture a disturbed, 22-year-old suspect with a bizarre history of behaviour that should have been a warning sign of the massacre.


Motive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to MurderMotive to Murder


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