EPISODI: 5 - Borderline K9s


San Diego, CA plays host to Dog Nation this week, where at the live show, Cesar helps a Great Dane owner control her 160lb dog, a ball obsessed pit bull owner discovers how to be a strong leader, and a yelpy Bichon Frise who tries to take a bite out of everyone gets tamed. Cesar also works with military couple Chantel and Charlie, who's out of control German Shepherd threatens to harm pregnant Chantel, and potentially there soon to be born baby. Cesar shows them how to get control of their dog before the impending arrival. Both Cesar and Andre head down to Tijuana to help with the massive stray dog population problem. They rescue a stray in terrible condition and get him the treatment he needs to regain his health. Meanwhile they introduce another Tijuana rescue to a new life in San Diego. Finally, Cesar shows Andre the freeway underpass where he spent his first days as an immigrant in America.


Cesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog Nation


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