EPISODI: 2 - Call of Duty


This week Cesar and Andre are in Washington, D.C., to give out take home tips for dogs obsessed with vacuum cleaners and balls at a live show, to help an army medic suffering from PTSD who must choose between his child and his much needed service dog, and to help a blind veteran get matched with a guide dog and regain control of his life. And they meet another veteran who can only do his standup comedy act with the help of his service dog.


Cesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog NationCesar Millan's Dog Nation


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